Waiting Child- Zi Zi

Zi Zi is a six year old girl with a repaired cleft lip and palate.  She lives in southern China and she loves to sing and dance. Can't you just tell that by looking!?

Zi Zi is described as a happy and cheerful little girl. She currently lives in a foster home and attends the senior-level pre-school class. She is a smart, clever, and polite child.  According to her teacher she loves to learn and can be very inquisitive. 

Zi Zi's favorite color is red. She loves to watch cartoons and is great at imitating the characters. Zi Zi’s favorite toys are her dolls, wind-up cars, blocks and jigsaw puzzles. 

She has a good appetite but her favorite thing to eat is candy.  Does that sound like a six year old or what?!

Pat Marcus met her when she was in China recently and describes her as "a sweet little girl".

Zi Zi is designated to Gladney through their partnership with the orphanage in charge of her care. If you are interested in learning more about Zi Zi, please contact Judy Hayes at judy.hayes@gladney.org or 432-563-3344.

Or you can contact me at erinmrtn@yahoo.com with any questions about Zi Zi or about working with Gladney.  We have adopted through Gladney twice and I will be glad to answer any questions.

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