Lauren is 2 years old. She is described as "an active little girl who has a bit of a stubborn streak! She loves playing with older children and usually gets along well with others. She likes to watch TV and play with dolls. Lauren also enjoys animals."
Lauren has Down's Syndrome, esotropia (which is a "form of strabismus, or 'squint', in which one or both eyes turns inward.") and a congenital heart defect.
She has been in the same foster home since she was very young and I loved how her file describes her as both lucky and unlucky. Lucky because she is loved but unlucky because of her diagnoses.
Pat Marcus met her in June and speaks about her in the webinar found here from 29:00- 31:00. Pat shares a lot of sweet little details about her. It seems she was none too happy with Pat as evidenced in this picture...
She sounds like such a little sweetheart with a big personality! I know it seems she has a lot of needs, but I can't help but point out again that her biggest need is the need for a family.

Lauren is available for adoption through one of Gladney's partnership programs. If you would like more information about her you can contact April Uduhiri at or 212.868.4565. Or if you have questions about her or about working with Gladney you can email me at
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