Douglas (9th grade)
Math- Saxon Algebra 1 with video lectures
Christian Light Education
Civics and World Geography
Science- Apologia Biography with video lectures
Writing (style & structure)- Institute for Excellence in Writing (level b)
Freeland (6th grade)
Math- Saxon 7/6 with video classes
Christian Light Education
Language Arts
Science- Apologia Astronomy (We will use this textbook for all three elementary students)
History- Bob Jones University American History with video classes (Freeland & Casper will do this together.)
Writing (style & structure)- Institute for Excellence in Writing (level a) (Again, Freeland & Casper will be together)
Casper (4th grade)
Math- Saxon 5/4 with video classes
Christian Light Education
Language Arts
Science, History, & Writing with Freeland (see above)
Annika (1st grade)
Math- Saxon 1
Christian Light Education
Language Arts
Social Studies- Bob Jones University Heritage Studies with video lessons
Science with Freeland and Casper (using the jr. notebook)
Eliana (Kindergarten)
Christian Light Education Kindergarten 2 material
Straight Talk (language development)
So there you have it. That is the plan. Now we have to do the work! :) As of today it is pretty much all ordered. Next week will be fun as the packages start arriving! We are also working at turning one of our downstairs bedrooms into a school room. We did not have a specific school room last year, but I think it will work well for us to have one. Pretty exciting stuff!
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