I'm Going to Russia!!

It started back on this day.  I invited my sister-in-law's sister, Liz.  I didn't know her, but knew she was adopting from Russia, and thought it would be fun to meet her. 

She had just gotten a referral for a little 19 month old girl from Perm.  As we talked about when she would travel she mentioned that she would be making three trips and wasn't sure who, if anyone would go with her.  In spite of the fact that I had only met her in person that day, I blurted out that I would go!  And then I felt silly because why would she want me to?

But, she did.  She traveled for trip #1 a couple of months ago and has been waiting for a court date.  Today the news came.  She needs to leave for Russia on August 22.  And I am planning to go with her!!

That is twelve days from now.  So now it is all about visas and tickets and all the details.  Ahhh.  Who would have thought I would be so excited?!


  1. What a sweet way to bless an adoptive family! We leave in 2 weeks (from today) to go to China and if I can't go we're hoping my father in law will go...and if not then my husband will have to go alone.

  2. Bless You Erin!!!! I am thrilled to have you along!!!! I feel unworthy of your support! THank you soooo much! YEAH!!!! Russia, Here we come!!!!

  3. Enjoy! The fun of watching, but not all the responsibility.

  4. Good for you! Will you be blogging from there. Enjoy!! Blessings


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