People who speak my language.

Yesterday I had a bunch of adoptive moms over for the day.  It was such a blessing to spend the day visiting with people who "speak my language"!  It ended up being 10 ladies with all of our preschoolers.  Let me tell you, it was LOUD!

One lady just received a referral for an adorable little girl from Russia.  Another is feverishly working to get their home study completed so they can bring their precious baby girl home from China.  Still another has been waiting for a domestic referral for about a year.  We had people who had adopted from Liberia, Guatemala, China, Kazakhstan, & Russia as well as domestically as newborns and through the foster care system.  Some of our children came home as newborns, some as toddlers, some as preschoolers, and some as school age children.  But it really doesn't matter, because we speak the same language!

We all know what it is to wait and yearn over a child that is ours in our hearts but not legally.  We all know the frustration of baring our souls and medical records and financial reports to total strangers.  We all know the pain of waiting.waiting.waiting.

And we all know that it is good. We all know we would go back and do it all over again for the privilege of parenting these precious children.

And, of course, I was way to busy gabbing to take any pictures,


  1. Oh happy day! What a blessing to be surrounded by women who understand! We have very few friends we can be with that understand this journey we're on...but those few that do understand its refreshing! Truly and utterly, refreshing!

  2. Yes, being around people who..."Speak our language" is such a wonderful blessing! When the Lord places adoption on your heart, it seems to always hold a special place in our lives. So glad for your special day!


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