One Hope & A Bushel of Grace { Part 2 } Guest Post by Tiffany Clark

Tiffany Clark is a mother of six; three of whom were adopted from China. She blogs over at Gingham & RicRac. Thank you for sharing your story here Tiffany!

I prayed and spent many quiet hours with the Lord asking for an answer for what He had in store for our family next.  I waited…and waited.  I thought we had learned all we needed to about patience with the last 2 adoptions.  We figured we were on to another new adventure…we were willing…we were able…but I wasn’t ready for the answer...
The Clark Children
When the answer came that we would adopt again…I remember asking WHY?  We’d already DONE that…been faithful.   But God made it abundantly clear that there was another little one waiting and hoping in the Lord on the other side of the world.  Her needs were confusing but our acceptance of her was complete.  And HIS plan for her,  miraculous.

Micah 7:7  But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God, my savior; my God will hear me.

WillaJane became a Clark 8 months ago.  There have been challenges and she is profoundly delayed in the speech area but she fits into this family like a missing puzzle piece.  WillaJane teaches our family new lessons every day about acceptance, peace, and joy.  She has been healed of her  physical special needs we were told of in her referral and now that she is part of a forever family- her heart and spirit will be healed as well.

Another blog friend stated my thoughts exactly when they said:  “And here as we walk out this miracle of adoption, we are awakened again to the nearness of God. Somehow... now three adoptions later it is still a mystery to me... Somehow God takes what was broken and bereft of hope and breathes new life into it. He takes a child- alone and sick and scared- and a family on the other side of the planet who knows that they are not yet complete... and makes a new family. He redeems that which seems lost. Because that is what He does.  And it is all just grace that we get to be a part.

We are not afraid.  We are not looking for easy lives.  We ARE looking for glory, hope, redemption, and love in every corner and crevice because our Creator God has placed it there. We’re not about the practical. We’re about the impractical, incomprehensible, wild and ridiculous love of our great Redeemer.”

“Are we finished?”  “Will we adopt again?”  These are questions I get frequently.  Well- I dearly hope God is not finished with us yet.  There may or may not be another “Clark” out there…but there are plenty of children who need us and we are open to the call.  It’s an exciting, crazy place to live…fully in HIS plan.  We don’t know what it is but I love surprises!  And I want to be wherever HE is!

1 comment

  1. Hi! I'm Leslie. I was talking to your mom at the farm today and she was telling me about you and your blog. I live about 15 minutes away from your parents and we have four children who were adopted internationally... 3 from India and 1 from Guatemala. Your mom said that you're passionate about adoption (me, too!) and that you would be this way Thanksgiving week. We will be picking up some milk and other things the Tuesday before Thanksgiving... maybe we'll run into you! Leslie =)


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