Three Months Home!

Three months have slipped quietly by since we arrived home from China with our sweet baby girl.  It seems like yesterday and it seems like forever ago all at the same time.  It is hard to imagine life without her.  The other evening I commented that the girls and I had eaten at a certain place once upon a time.  Suddenly it hit me, no Annika and I ate there before Eliana was home!

Some facts about Eliana at three months home:
  • She has gained 4 pounds.
  • She has grown 2 1/2 inches.
  • She understands English very well, she seems to comprehend most of what we say to her.
  • She has a nice list of English words, phrases, and sentences that she uses regularly. Some of her favorites are: "Shut the door!"  "Stand in the corner!" (loves this one)  "Good girl"  "Bad boy" (never good boy and never bad girl, but she does call the boys good girls...) "I want shoes on!" "See ya" "I wuv lou"  (I love you)
  • She now says "goodnight" very sweetly as we walk out the door after putting her to bed.
  • She loves, loves, loves to sing and has learned many new songs.  Generally you can't understand the words but the tune is spot on.
  • She has overcome many of her fears.  She used to scream when she saw stuffed animals and dolls, she now plays with them happily.
  • She has started going places with Keith even if I am not along. (This is huge!)
We marvel over and over at how perfectly she fits into our family.  There is no question in our minds that God brought us together, and we are so very grateful that He did!

Oh, and by the way, the cheese turned out great! :)


  1. What a great update! Can't wait to be coming home with our Chinese blessings!

  2. Wow...four pounds and two and a half inches.....sounds like things are going great! Thank you for the update....and congrats on the cheese!!

  3. I keep hearing stories like yours where the child really blossoms and grows with love and nutrition! So good to hear!
    Congratulations on the cheese!!!


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