Favorite Photo Friday

When I needed a model to try to capture the light coming through the trees,  Eliana was glad to oblige.  She didn't mind being hauled out to the yard when she was ready for bed, not one little bit.  As a matter of fact I believe she rather enjoyed it!

It is amazing the amount of joy this little girl adds to our family!  She is so sweet and happy!  She finds such incredible pleasure in the small joys of life.  I think she has helped all of us to slow down and enjoy the moment.

I'm linking to Favorite Photo Friday over at The Long Road to China.


  1. She is just so cute! Yeah, that sun coming through the trees is so beautiful (but not as beautiful as she is) :o)

  2. She is just a doll!! It warms my heart that she has a family now!!


  3. She is so very very cute!!! Love her in her pjs for this shot! Love the light coming through the leaves!


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