Be Still and ~Know~ That I Am God...

Last week we had a potential opportunity come up that had me excited and scared all at the same time.  The possibilities and ramifications were enormous.  Keith and I spoke and my heart was in turmoil.  I didn't want to think or pray, I just wanted to jump!  Keith said to give him a little time to pray about it and I spent the time in prayer too.  As I was praying that God would speak clearly to Keith, the Lord spoke this verse to me, "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10

I still don't know exactly what will come of the situation I mentioned. But I have spent a lot of time thinking about simply knowing that God is God. 

We Christians tend to think a lot about being Christians and doing what we are called to do as Christians, and rightly so. Those things are important. But maybe, just maybe, if we spent more time in stillness and knowing that God is God and knowing that He will be exalted, being and doing would become a more natural outworking of that knowledge.

So this week I want to be intentional about surrendering to the reality of God and the fact that He is in control and will be exalted in all the earth!

Note:  These photos were taken at Swatara Falls where we went hiking last evening.


  1. This has been one of the verses God is pressing on our hearts too. I am learning so much about being still and waiting. First in the adoption process last year and now as we wait on the outcome of Dennis' battle with cancer.

  2. Will be waiting to hear a decision.
    The waiting part is hard.


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