Philly Zoo

We didn't have any plans for July 4th, so when Keith's younger brother asked if we would be interested in going to the zoo together we were all in!

This is my favorite photo from the day!  I love the pleased expression on Douglas' face.
We both ran to get this picture, so I thought it turned out great!
Children and animals are moving targets and it is a full time job to keep track of five children, but here are some of the fun photos I snapped.

The zoo crew!  Our five plus a cousin.

Our cute little nephew!

Our cute little daughter:)

Gorilla love!

the long road


  1. What a great way to spend the day- looks like it was really fun.

  2. My son wanted to know which one is the nephew :^)

  3. Aaaahh...gorilla love, so cute.
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos


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