A Tiny Glimpse of Perm...

The Hilton Garden Hotel where I am staying.

All is well, at least as far as I am concerned, in Perm!  I am enjoying the time here so far.  I have not gotten to meet Liz's little girl yet, but hopefully soon we can visit the baby home. 

I also keep getting positive reports from home, so that makes my time so much more enjoyable!  Can I just say how much I love video calls!?  Little Eliana is doing great for her Daddy and loves talking to me when I call.  So much so that Keith gave her a bath during part of the last call so that everyone else could have a turn talking!

For dinner last evening we went to a restaurant that Keith saw online and told me about.  It ended up being within easy walking distance and was a really nice place!  It was beautiful and the waitresses dressed in traditional dresses.

The entrance...

This is the salad that we shared...

This is the beautiful bread basket with a little crock of garlic spread...

And this is my meal, Pork Chop in Crispy Browned Cheese.  All the browned yumminess you see is cheese...
Liz has her court hearing this afternoon.  We are praying all goes well and have no reason to believe that it won't.

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