Boys, Boys, Boys...

One of the most common misconceptions about adopting from China is that there are almost exclusively girls waiting for families.  When the reality is that, in the waiting child program, there are many more boys than girls waiting for families in China!  Right now approximately 75% of the children on the list of available children that China releases are boys!

As a matter of fact, being a boy is almost considered an additional "special need".  A boy and a girl near the same age with similar special needs may even have their files classified differently.  The boy's file will more likely be designated "Special Focus" meaning that he is considered more difficult to place for adoption, while the girl's file will not be. Since when is gender a special need?!

I do not think this means that there are literally many more boys than girls in orphanages, but rather it reflects the fact that the vast majority of people adopting prefer to adopt girls.

I do not know why most people adopting request a girl, but I have heard the idea that girls are "easier" to parent than boys. I do not see it that way. Each of our children have their own unique personality. Each have strong and weak points. Each of them has challenged us as parents. Each of them has brought us untold joy.

 If you are considering adoption can you at least think about opening your heart to a little boy? People who are open to boys are often matched with a child much more quickly!

Now I know, we have adopted girls, and there is no question in my mind that these girls were placed in our family by God.  So this post is not about making people feel guilty for deciding to adopt a girl, but just to make people more aware of how many boys are waiting for families!


  1. Oh, I can't imagine my life without my boys! Trucks, dirt, more dirt, frogs, any kind of sport, and their tender little hearts. Thanks for advocating for boys!

    mom of 2 boys and a princess

  2. We are bringing home our son in a few months and I could not be happier.


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