This Week...

On Saturday we had a work day at my Mother-in-Law's house.  She owns a beautiful Lancaster county farm and is planning to sell it in the fall, so we are all pitching in to get things ready.

Some of us played...

Some of us worked...

Some of us tried to play and work at the same time...

Some of us had coffee on the porch...

We had plenty of pizza...

And fun with family...

There were a few dramatic moments...

But all in all it was a good day and a lot got done!

In other news:

It is only two days until I leave for Russia!

I should be madly preparing and cleaning and cooking. But I actually do not worry about Keith taking care of things. If anything things will probably be cleaner when I come home than when I leave.

So I've been sewing. I've made two dresses for myself and am working at a third.  Hope to finish that one up this afternoon.  Which means I'd better run!


  1. Love the pics! I will keep you in my prayers as you travel.

  2. Oh, have fun! I'm aiming to leave 10/13 or so.


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