Want To Watch A Spiderweb?

Remember the webinar (or "spiderweb" if you are Annika) Gladney held a couple of weeks ago?  It was recorded and you can view it here (part 1) and here (part 2).

Pat Marcus speaks about her time in Shanghai and JiangXi provinces in China.  She introduces some absolutely gorgeous kiddos who are waiting for families.  Some of the children are available now through Gladney's GuangMing program

Gladney has not yet received the files for the children from JiangXi, but they expect to receive them soon.  Wouldn't it be great if there were families waiting for the children's files to be available so that the children could come home as soon as possible!?

Anyway, take a look.  One of the little girls is so gorgeous I gasped out loud when I saw her picture!

And, as always, if you have questions about the children or about working with Gladney send me an email at erinmrtn@yahoo.com.  I will answer any questions I can!

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