Eliana's First Dentist Appointment

I've put it off as long as I could.  I knew I had to take Miss Eliana to the dentist.  Her teeth are in pretty bad shape, but she has not acted as if they bothered her. 

I knew it might not go very well, but figured I would hope for the best.  The good news is that she didn't cry.  She smiled and charmed the hygienist who, by the way, is looking into adoption!  She had lots of questions.

The bad news is that every time they tried to get close to her mouth, her response was "I no wanna!"  They managed to count her teeth.  No cleaning.  She allowed the dentist to put a mirror in there to look at them.  This last part was thanks to Annika who was sitting in the chair in the corner.  Annika would tell her to open her mouth and say, "Ahhh."  So Eliana would do it for a little bit, and the dentist would quickly stick his mirror in her mouth while it was open! 

The dentist was able to see enough to say that she will likely need a couple of teeth removed and therefore he thought it was best to refer us to a pediatric dental surgeon. 

He said they will have better luck with her when she's under anesthesia!


  1. Oh, poor Eliana! I don't like the dentist, either!

  2. Our blessings are going in next month...I sure hope that things go pretty good for us! Analina has a grey tooth that is loose and will need to come out. Thank goodness that its just a baby tooth....outside of that she looks good. Now Dalton's teeth look great but his breath will knock you out.

  3. If you have to do a bunch of work in there make sure she is really under anesthesia and not just "loopy juice" Whether Hope remembers it or not- I sure do! She screamed horribly the whole time and they had her papoosed...not fun at all.


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