Nine Days and 3,000+ Miles Later...

We are home again.  It is always amazing to me how much I love my house after being gone for a while.  It seems so welcoming and comfortable.  I love the familiar cadence of our routine.  I love sleeping in my own bed and sitting in my own chair.  I love preparing meals in my kitchen and sitting down at the table with my family.  In short, I love being at home!

We had a wonderful time in Texas and even ended up staying an extra day even though we had gone two days early.  We went to Homestead Heritage with my family on Friday and had a lovely time.  I just have a fun family... what can I say?! :)

The table decorations.

German Chocolate Cake

Thanksgiving Day was very special as my grandparents, parents, siblings, and two great-aunts all gathered together for a very bountiful dinner.  We had three turkeys, one smoked (yum!) one fried (super yum!) and one roasted.  I'll spare you the details of the rest of the menu, but let me assure you it included cornbread dressing (no stuffing or filling, thank you very much!) and lots of other wonderful things.  My youngest brother thought maybe he is going to write a song about his undying love for dressing and cranberries.

Joshua smoking the turkey.

Frying the turkey.
Then we all gathered in our stuffed state and sang a few song for my sweet Nan-Naw.  We took pictures (not that you can see everyone in any of them).  We took pictures of each of us with Nan-Naw.  It was so good to know that everyone was there together.

All of us.


  1. OK, sometime I gotta ask you about your family and dad are in the front I'm assuming? Then how'd ya'll get plain...the kids I mean?

  2. Chris, the ones in the front are actually my grandparents. My parents are in the mob in the back. :) My parents and family became Mennonites when I was 15.

  3. Such a beautiful pic. I found your mom and dad in the back. So sweet. Hope you got many more of the 4 generations. I have 2 good ones of us with 4 generations. I still treasure them.

  4. Ah, now I see them...they looked too young to be the parents!


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