You Look Like Noodles and Chicken!

I have a little game I like to play with Eliana.  She sits on my lap and I look at her very slowly and carefully and then exclaim, "You look as sweet as... chocolate cake (or a hot fudge sundae, or pecan pie, or ________.) and I'm going to eat you all up!"

And then I pretend to nibble on her sweet (pun most certainly intended) little neck.  She squeals and giggles.  And then we do it all over again.  She never tires of this game.  When I ask her, "Do you want me to eat you all up?"  Her inevitable response is a resounding "Yes!"

Now bear with me for a bit as I take you down a different track, I promise it will all tie together in the end. 

Eliana has been going through a more needy, clingy spell again recently.  I assume it has something to do with reaching the one year anniversary of meeting her and the memories that come along with that.  And she has been craving noodles.  She makes sweet little comments like, "I so sad.  I want noodles."

Today I took her to a wonderful little Chinese restaurant in Myerstown.  We met Keith there for lunch.  We ordered her noodles. And chicken.  Her two favorite things.  She ate and ate and ate then was totally delighted when we had some Chicken Lo Mein left to bring home with us for her supper.

On the way home we stopped at the grocery store.  She was sitting in the cart when I noticed she was looking at me slowly and carefully.  I should not have been surprised to hear the words, "You look like noodles and chicken and my gonna eat you all gone!"


  1. That must have been a happy tummy! My older girls and Joseph prefer rice, but the little one is a noodle girl!

  2. How sweet! This put a huge smile on my face!

  3. Definitely a story you will cherish forever. So so sweet!

  4. Would you like a really good chicken lo mein recipe? Our family loves it when I make it and it's quickly gobbled up by the crew :)


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