Jesus is Coming!

On Monday night Annika had a dream.  It must have been a beautiful, wonderful dream because she talked about it all day yesterday.  The first thing she told me yesterday morning was, "Now I know what Jesus looks like! I saw Him last night.  He has a white shirt and a beard."

She asked many times throughout the day, "Is Jesus coming today?"  And I kept telling her that I don't know, but I do know He will come sometime.

I heard her telling Eliana about Him.  She said, "He is so nice!  And we would just want to sit on His lap!  Even if we were strapped in our car seats we would get out and sit on His lap!"

As evening was coming she said rather sadly, "I guess Jesus  isn't coming today..." 

It was so sweet!  And it made me think.  Jesus is coming again.  He told us to watch for Him, but the days keep rolling by and we often forget.  I want to live life as if I really believe (I do!) that it could be at any moment!

"Therefore be alert, since you don't know what day your Lord is coming." Matthew 24:32


  1. The faith of children! It just reminds me that we need to have their faith.

  2. Precious, Inspiring!

  3. How precious! I long for Jesus to come again!

  4. A very gentle reminder powerful! I want to go to sleep and dream.
    Thank you Annika


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