The New Kids

You know how it is, the new kids are always so popular.  These two are no exception.

The girls race outside in the mornings to play with them.

Eliana rocks them, kisses them, and sings to them.

Freeland, our son who loves animals, is always there to be sure that the girls are being careful and gentle.

And, of course, he enjoys some snuggle time too.

Generally speaking the mother goat makes sure that Toliver keeps his distance!

All in all, I think the new kids feel well accepted, what do you think?

By the way, we have one billy and one nanny.  Name suggestions anyone?  Their mother's name is Marabelle, if that helps at all!


  1. Clarabelle and lilliebelle. My grandmother and great aunt!!!

  2. No name suggestions but the kids (human and goat) are adorable!


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