
Re-entry into "normal" life has been, as always, both wonderful and challenging.

There are the sweet moments like snuggling with Eliana this morning after she crawled in bed beside me.  She softly stroked my face and said, "Mommy you are so cute!  I love you."  She is one of the few, loyal people who would use the word "cute" to describe me moments after I wake up! :)

I love being at home.  Everything is so familiar and comfortable.  I love hearing the boys tell me about what all happened while I was away.  I love having a little girl on either side of me as I read to them.  I love being able to talk to and communicate with Keith on a whim all throughout the day.    I love brushing my teeth without worrying about using bottled water. I love how easy the familiar is. 

But here is the thing.  I saw what I saw.  I know what I know.  I held a baby boy who needs heart surgery sooner rather than later to even have a chance at survival.  I heard children ask us to find them parents.  I touched them, held them, cried over them in the hotel at night.  I stood there with beautiful, amazing children and faced the hard reality that this child, through no fault of their own, is "hard to place".  And that some of them may not be placed in homes.  It totally broke my heart and I'll never forget!

So, while everything is familiar and unchanged, it seems surreal and unbelievable.  How can nothing have changed!?  I mean, I saw what I saw!  I know what I know!  

I have a lot to share with you all in the coming days.  For now, suffice it to say, that God is as real in China as He is at home. He cares about those precious children even more than I do.  Every single one of them is precious to Him and there are none that are more or less worthy.  And He calls us to do likewise.  Friends, just ask yourself the question, are you doing what you can?  Are you fulfilling God's command?  I know that expressions of obedience vary, but I wish we all could have our hearts broken by the helplessness of these little ones that Jesus loves so very much and ask ourselves what He would have us do!

 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27


  1. Yes... It's hard to see others that have so little and we have so much. My husband went to Haiti a couple years ago. He cried when he came home. Our son is in Haiti now.. So many in this world live so limited. Oh that we could have a thousand hands to reach to others in need!

  2. My trip to China has definitely changed my life forever!!! Still wish I could do more! I'm loving being big sis to six from Asia...and a few others from around the world. Best of all I'm now an adoptive mom myself! What a miracle! I pray when we are older we can go to China to adopt!
    Thank you for showing us these dear faces to pray for in a special way! I want the second spina bifida girl!!;)
    God bless... Your long ago student, Grace

  3. “Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.”
    ~David Platt

    1. Oh Nancy! I had not thought about that quote recently. So, so true!


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