Sometimes the answer is no. Get over it. { Guest Post }

An adoptive mommy friend of mine from over at Don't Let Life Pass You By is sharing a post with us today about one of the lessons her special little boy has taught her. Thank you, Elissa!

My little boy, he’s a bit on the special needs side. A colorful social history from before he joined our family has created an odd mix of developmental delay, behavior issues, and just plain weirdness. But he makes my world pulse with life that I didn't know existed before he came along. He brings such a picture of faith to my line of vision. And being the dork that I am, I feel the need to share such stories with you.

Like this one.

So here’s the scene. Mom and Max bopping along in the minivan on our way to school. Aka Max’s happy place. And the rather petite nine year old is the picture of calm in his little toddler safety seat, looking at a Calvin and Hobbes comic book. 

Mom suddenly remembers that she hasn't brushed her teeth yet (oops) and reaches down for her not so secret stash of mints. 

The reality of which doesn't escape the extremely observant boy in the back. Who also wants a mint. 

But he hates these mints, and it usually takes him about 30 seconds of sucking to remember that truth.  

And this Mama wasn't in the mood to have two mints in her mouth this morning, so when the inevitable request comes, she declines. 

And oh, the terror. The begging. The whining. The threatening. The guilt trip. He throws every trick in his arsenal at me hoping one of them will help him get his grubby little fingers on that mint he won’t like. 

But Mama in her infinite wisdom is not falling for any of it. She’s been around the block a few more times than the boy in the back, and is fairly good at predicting the outcome of the situation.

And so while I’m not exactly comparing myself to Jesus, I can totally see a parallel relationship to the prayers I've prayed in my past. Please Jesus can I have… No, you won’t like it. But this time I’ll… Yeah, I've heard that story before. No dice. What if I… Good try, but no. Been there? I thought so. I don’t know about you, but I’m so glad Jesus knows more than me. And I’m totally glad He doesn't grant me those requests He knows I won’t end up liking.

Elissa Peterson is a busy mother of four, who likes to pretend she has her act together. She blogs about the her own personal version of crazy on her blog

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