{ Almost } Wordless Wednesday

One of the little-known facts about adopting from China is that there are more boys than girls waiting for families.  There is a data-base of children waiting for families called the shared list which all adoption agencies with a China program have access to.  Right now there are 380 girls and 1,633 boys on the shared list.  If you are considering adoption please consider opening your heart to a little boy!


  1. Thinking of you and praying for you today. It is exciting to me to see that even in the midst of this difficult time you are still a blessing to others...especially those little ones in China. God is great! In our weakness, He is strong.

  2. Dear Erin I having been thinking of you and the hard time you have been working through with Lupus. I had run across another blog of a lady from Tx who is in the final stages of her battle with cancer. Her sweet submission and testimony of God's grace moves one to tears and prayers that God would carry her and her family through this time. Her blog is 3littlecowboys.blogspot in case you or your TX family would care to touch in with them. God's blessings to you! --Faith H


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