Introducing A New Blog Series

For a little while I have thinking about a blog series. Most of you know we are conservative Christians who attend a Mennonite church. I thought some of you might enjoy reading some posts on why we do what we do. Not that I pretend to have all of the answers, not that I think our way is the only right way, but I still think I'll put it out there. For better or for worse.

Here are a few of the topics I plan to write about in the coming weeks. Please comment if you wonder about something we do and would like to know why we do it that way!

The head covering
Use of modern technology
Orphan care

And anything else I think of as we go along. :)

I will be writing the articles then asking Keith to preview them prior to posting them since I want to be certain that I clearly outline how we, as a family, view each topic.

Anyway, stay tuned, and comment with questions. Now is your chance!


  1. I love this! I always enjoy learning about others' beliefs and ways of doing things. :)

  2. I think this sounds interesting.


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