Why We Do What We Do {Head Covering}

Let me start with the Bible verses that this belief is based on.  In 1 Corinthians 11 it states that a woman is to cover her head when she prays or prophesies. It also states that a man is to have his head uncovered when praying or prophesying. Now an interesting thing about the book of 1 Corinthians is that Paul (the writer of the book) specifically mentions various times that he is speaking his own opinions.  He also says at another place that a certain command is from God and not from him. It can make this book a little difficult to read and understand.

1 Corinthians 11: 3-16 is about submission to the God-given chain of command. The order is this: God the Father, God the Son, the man or husband, and the woman or wife. The head covering on a Christian woman symbolizes her acceptance of this order. The verse that outlines this order is verse 3: "But I want you to realize  that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God".

God's order is that the husband is the head of the wife, but this does not mean that there is any inequality or inferiority implied in this passage. A husband and wife are united and equal, just as God and Christ are. This is not teaching that women are inferior and must submit in everything to man.  It is teaching God's order and spiritual headship.

Personally, covering my head makes me think about gender, authority, and submission. This can conjure up an image of the servile woman serving a harsh, controlling taskmaster. But that idea of authority certainly does not come from Jesus! He taught us that He was willing to wash his disciples’ dirty feet. He teaches that men are supposed to love their wives as Christ loves the church. In other words, in God's kingdom, the leader is to be the servant. That is an easy kind of authority to submit to!

I believe this passage teaches that a husband and wife are mutually submissive. And that I need to be careful not to use the strong tools of manipulation and control that many women use on men. So my covering is a symbol that I commit to not being bossy, manipulative, or controlling.

But what about legalism? Wearing a head covering can be legalism free.  As a matter of fact, it can be quite freeing. By choosing to obey this Bible passage out of a heart full of love for God and His ways, I free myself from the pressure of Western culture. Where the practice of the head covering becomes abused is when men pressure women to wear it out of a sense of guilt or through manipulation. Saying that only certain patterns, colors, or types of coverings are acceptable does not fit with the spirit of this scripture.

Jesus doesn't impose a list of rules. His law is of love. This passage is better understood when it is understood in this light.

So this begs the question... What about the Christian women who do not view this scripture as literally as I do? Well, this is not (in my opinion) a "thus sayeth the Lord" command (such as stealing, lying, adultery, etc.). I choose to view it in a literal sense while realizing that it really is a heart matter.  No amount of putting something on my head gives me a submissive heart. So I certainly do not think that this is an issue on which you can judge or base your impression of anyone's spiritual experience. On the other hand, as I said, I truly find it to be freeing and a sign that I am secure enough in my identity as a women of God that I am happy to show my submission in a constant, physical way. To quote another woman who decided to cover her head:

‘I wanted to reveal my warmth and my love and be connected to people; instead of them looking at something external…I wanted to be an attractive person for who I am on the inside. I cover in order to be who I truly am.’  

And obviously, a head covering is only one way to accomplish this, but it is a powerful way. As yet another woman says,

"Somehow, this seemingly arbitrary bit of cloth on my head helped me to navigate my own path through the warzones of feminism versus subjugation, egalitarian versus complementarian, and sexual object versus sexless nun, to a place where I feel comfortable. So, while that continues, the scarf stays on."

This is my personal experience as a Christian woman. What are your experiences? Why do you choose to wear or not wear a head covering?


  1. Erin, I love this explanation. Thank you so much. At what age do Mennonite women begin to wear a head covering?

  2. Well said, Erin! I headcover, although there are times I do not...It can so easily become less heart-issue and more legalism issue. I am non-denominational which is confusing for most folks...they assume I am Mennonite, Brethren, Amish (???), etc. nope...its just little 'ole me that felt that call from the Lord to cover my head and dress modestly. None of my girls headcover and I feel its between the Lord and them..


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