Living With {MY} Reality

Yesterday we decided to tackle cleaning Freeland and Casper's room. It was a big job! Let's just saying they haven't exactly been great about keeping their room even in decent condition. They have a storage closet in their room, which made things even more difficult. We worked all day and by the end of the day the room was completed. W e had moved the bunk bed down and the drawers the closet was clean. It looked great!

But here's the thing, I was totally exhausted! So exhausted I could hardly function. And thus the title of the post. Most of the time I do so well. I know my limitations and don't overextend myself. But a day like yesterday reminds me just how limiting lupus can be. I'm not complaining. Most of the time we function very well. I have the help I need, my children know what to expect from my limitations, and we've adjusted our lifestyle accordingly. I can even do things like go to China when I choose to.

And I'm truly thankful for all of that! I'm thinking ahead to the rest of the week. Tomorrow evening I'm planning to take photos for a family. On Friday and Saturday I want to go to the home school convention in Harrisburg. And, of course, go to church on Sunday. On Monday I need to go to New York City for a meeting. That means today and tomorrow I'm taking it easy. As a matter of fact, right now I'm lying on the sofa dictating to my computer to write this blog post. Doesn't get a lot easier than that!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that lupus is limiting in a lot of ways, but we've learned to live with it and even thrive with it! I can't help but be very, very thankful for that!

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