Decisions, Decisions

We are making some big decisions around here. Most of them relate in one way or another to my health issues because they have become a factor that must be considered. We are making concrete steps to make things work better for all of us.

Some of these things are small and it means a mere minor adjustment in life, like working around the issue of me not being able to drive right now. So grocery shopping happens in the evenings or on Saturday. Other shopping is done online as much as possible. You know, things like that.

Other decisions are complex, like deciding that we need to send our children to school and looking for a school that meets our children's needs and our family values. Thankfully there are good options in our area and we feel comfortable with enrolling our children in a nearby Christian school. I still feel a little like I'm going to cry when I think of them not being here during the day next year, but we know that managing stress and busyness is important for me, so it is the best decision for now.

We also decided to try a new medication in spite of its prohibitive cost and, though it is too soon to tell for sure, it seems to be giving me more relief from pain than anything else has. I'm very hopeful!

I try to spend some time outside each day. I take a short walk and then lie in my chair and look at the sky and listen to the breeze blowing through the trees. It is so relaxing and beautiful.

We recently started attending a different church. It was a difficult decision, but we have been attending for a little while now and feel comfortable there.

One thing remains a constant. God is still good. Through the changes and the decisions, He is there, and He is good.


  1. Both my thoughts and prayers are with you, Keith and the family. Change, no matter how big or small, is hard. I pray you're getting some relief, and feeling some comfort when you need it most.

  2. I know change is hard. We're going through changes, too. Best wishes that although next school year will be *different* for you and the children, that it will be a good experience for all of you.


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