Three Days...

Three days until Christmas. We keep it relatively simple. One gift per child, basically. But then there are the pajamas for Christmas Eve. And the new clothes for Christmas Day. And all of the little things for stockings. I apparently got fixated on all things lip balm this year. There are the holiday flavored chapsticks, and the Carmex, because everyone needs something that actually helps when your lips are chapped, and the Hurrah lip balm because flavors like Earl Grey and Chai Spice are not to be ignored. If nothing else we will not have chapped lips this winter.

The children get out of school at noon. They are all having Christmas parties today and were laden with gifts, Cheetos, Doritos, and sweet tea. Of course sweet Eliana was trying to get all of her loot out the door and left it open long enough for the dog to slip out. Chaos ensued as gifts, Doritos, and sweet tea were dropped and everyone ran in hot pursuit after the dog. Don't worry, he was only interested in running straight to Freeland anyway. We got him safely back in the house and I shooed the tribe back down the lane, Cheetos, doritos, sweet tea and all. Then I got to thinking about how I yelled at Eliana to SHUT THE DOOR and about how much I wanted them to have a special, joy-filled day. So I threw on my robe and shoes and drove down the lane. They looked at me like I had two heads, but I motioned for them to jump in and I gave them all hugs and told them I loved them. Then the bus came and off they went.

I love Christmas. I love reflecting on how Jesus' birth and life changed the world. I love that so many people celebrate that. I also just love the family traditions that surround holidays. The things that bind families together. Many of the things we do as a family come from traditions our parents and grandparents started. The children get a new set of clothes on Christmas Day because that is what Nan-Naw and J did for my siblings and I when I was young.

The older I get the more these things mean to me. I want to keep it simple and I want Jesus to be our focus, but that applies to all of life. Christmas is also about family. I love that part!

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