Early Dismissal

We got up and got everyone out the door today in decent time. The kids each have jobs they are supposed to get done before they leave in the mornings, which were far from done, but we made it down the lane in time to get on the bus, so I call that a win.

This kid is on winter break right now and enjoyed it to the fullest today!
Anyway, I feel like I've been behind and trying to play catch up with my Superkids work since, oh, the beginning of November or so. So I dug right in, ignoring the dishes on the counter and laundry on the floor. Somewhere between finishing a video and editing the rest of the pictures for the new children we met in Taiwan on our last trip, I got an email from the school announcing an early dismissal time due to weather.

Timber was thrilled to grab a sandwich from an un-eaten lunch.

He guarded it on his bed for awhile, but got hungry for a little snack eventually.
Since I hadn't even checked the weather or looked out the window I was shocked to realize that it was sleeting and snowing. I looked around and devised a plan. I'm not going to spell it out for you in detail, but the main components were child labor and bribery.

The house looks better now. Not great, but better. And we all piled on the bed together for a while and watched Psych. It is how I bribe them, but the reality is that it is my favorite thing to do. It is a queen size bed. And there were five of us. I think that equals about 2.5 inches each or something like that. Especially since we all need pillows and blankets. It is the best!

Now we have lasagna in the oven and I'm already secretly hoping for a delayed school start time in the morning...

1 comment

  1. Psych is a favorite at our house, too. :) I'm glad the kids have Monday off.


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