Helicopter Tour

Wow! The sights we saw today are still just boggling my mind. We lost count of the number of waterfalls we saw, but we also saw the red striped formations I generally associate with desert climates. We saw wild, uninhabited country. We also saw farms. And all of it, every little bit of it was so, so breathtakingly beautiful!

We took a helicopter tour of the island today. We were in a helicopter with no doors, so the views were stunning. And I was a little bit terrified the entire time. My fingers were numb from gripping the seat for the whole hour that we were in the air. 

But that did not keep me from taking pictures. I wished I had my 35mm lens instead of my 100mm, just in case any photographers need to know that. We went so close to everything that I actually wished for a shorter focal length. 

Also, when they tell you to dress warmly, listen. I made sure the kids had jackets, but I had on a t-shirt. It was cold up there with the wind whipping through!

It was all worth the incredible views. I think this ended up being the favorite excursion that we have done.

All I can say is that the One who created all of this beauty in the middle of the Pacific Ocean has a love for beauty for the sake of beauty and an unparalleled imagination. Everywhere I go on this big, beautiful world I am more and more impressed with the greatness of God. 

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