It Takes A Village!

I'm sure we've all heard this saying which was made more common by Hillary Clinton's book, and, while I may not agree with the premise of the book, when it comes to adopting a child it becomes so true that it really does "Take a Village" to make it happen.

On Tuesday I went to the Department of State in Harrisburg to see if anyone there could help to get the documents needed for my friend's adoption in Russia.  One very helpful man wondered how I was related to the situation.  Are you another sister? (Liz's sister was there last week.)  Do you go to church together?  No and no.  Another lady chimed in to say, "She is a member of the village.  It takes a village, you know."  I said, "I'm just a friend.  I have adopted internationally twice."  And he totally got that because he adopted from Ukraine a few years ago.  So we stood there in the halls of the North Office Building racking our brains trying to figure out what we could do to help get a precious 2 year old girl in Russia home to her Mommy who loves her.  And for a few moments we became part of "the village" working together for the good of the child.

My heart is very burdened today for the children with Cerebral Palsy* who need families.  I can't stop thinking about this particular need.  Right now Gladney has five children ( including precious Yana!) with CP waiting for families.  Five!  Each one of them an individual, precious in their own right.  Not a diagnosis!  A child! 

And guess what?!  It is going to take a village to get these children in to loving homes!  I can't do it by myself, you can't do it by yourself, but we can all pull together to make it happen!

If you can advocate and raise awareness, do it!  If you can bring a child with CP into your family, do it!  If you can help financially, do it! If you can pray especially for these children, do it!  If you want to help, but don't know how, leave a comment or send me an email at and I will gladly help you brainstorm about it!  We can all do something, and God only asks that we do what we can.

* For those who are unfamiliar with CP it is a non-progressive condition caused by an injury to the neuro system before, during, or immediately after birth. 

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