{in}couragement for Mothers { Session 2 }

Back in October I took a step of faith and I was really nervous about it!  I felt very much like I was standing here not quite fully clothed asking you to join a group for Christian mothers.  I did not know what to expect.  But you came, you joined the group, and you have been such a blessing to me!

And now it is time for another session to begin.  What is it all about you say?  Well, quite a few months ago some ladies over here at {in}courage started praying about the idea of forming smaller community groups for women.  They asked ladies to fill out a questionnaire if they wanted to be a co-leader of one of these groups.  About the same time I was praying about how I could be an encouragement to other women.  So I filled out the questionnaire and thus I became a co-leader of a group specifically for encouraging Christian mothers.

I'd like to tell you a little about our group.  We are a group of women who face all the normal pressures of life.  Some of us work away from home, others are stay at home moms.  Some of us homeschool, others do not.  Some of us have large families, others are expecting their first child.  Some of us have adopted children, some have biological children, and some have both.  So there is a lot of variety.

But we have even more in common!  We all love God and want to follow Him with abandon.  We all need a safe place.  A place where we are loved and shown compassion.  A place where we can request prayer and pray for others.  We all love our children dearly and want what is best for them.    We all have days that seem overwhelming.  And we all need love, God's love, and love from each other.

We "meet" in the comfy virtual living room setting of a closed Facebook group.  It is a closed group, so the things shared there stay there and do not show up in news feeds or anything like that.

So... here we are at the beginning of another session.  And we are inviting you to join us.  This session I will be co-leading with Joy Altman.  She is a dear friend and I am so thankful to have her joining me this session.

If this type of group sounds like something that would be a blessing to you then please send me a friend request on Facebook here and I will add you to the group.

Once you are added please introduce yourself to the group!  We will welcome you with open arms!

1 comment

  1. I would love to join your group but I'm not sure how to find you on Facebook! When I clicked on your link it just took me to my Facebook home page. I did a search for your name & blog but I couldn't find it....


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