Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Welcome Summertime!

Summertime is finally really coming to Pennsylvania.

Summertime, with it's campfires...

Mountain Pies...

And wading in streams...

Welcome, Summertime! 

Bluebonnets { Texas Trip Part 2 }

Angel Baby (aka Brooklyn)
April is a wonderful time of year to visit Texas! My parents live near Kemp, which is about 40 miles southeast of Dallas.  It is green and lush and lovely in April and the bluebonnets were at about their peak of loveliness!  We took full advantage with several trips to a nearby field just covered in them.  One evening my younger sister, some friends, and one little niece went to see them just as the sun was going down.  The result was a wonderful, golden, glowing back light in the photos.  It was gorgeous!  Couple that setting with a little two-year-old niece all by herself with three aunts who thought she was adorable and we got some cute pictures!


Karis with Aunt Julie (my sister-in-law's sister)

Karis with Hannah (my youngest sister)

When another sister wanted to get some pictures of her one-year-old daughter (Angel Baby) I knew we had to go back as the sun was setting again. We loaded up a bunch of ladies and as many of the younger kiddos as we could lay hands on and headed over.  We weren't disappointed!


Cassie (all dressed up)

Sammie (Cassie's sister)

Savannah & Jason

Aliha (Angel Baby's sister)

Elizabeth (also Angel Baby's sister)

Roseanna (also Angel Baby's sister)

Now I know y'all are wondering how it is that all of these adorable children are in one family.  What can I say?  Whether by birth or adoption we Sams "done good" in the baby department!  (We can cook too! Y'all jealous yet?)

Oh, and in case anyone was wondering, Annika and Eliana were there too, but you get to see them all the time, so I thought I'd save those pictures for another day.

Also in case you were wondering, this is only a fraction of my nieces and nephews.  There are soon to be 25 in the Sams family.

Texas trip to be continued...

I linked this post over at The Long Road to China for Favorite Photo Friday.

It Is Party Time! { Texas Trip Part 1 }

To say that my family loves a good excuse to plan a party is an understatement. We certainly got in for lots of partying in this trip.

You see, we arrived on my Papa's 60th birthday.

Papa with a few of his many grandchildren.

Karis giving Grandpa a birthday hug.

This cake actually tasted as good as it looks!

Papa and Josiah.

Jalapeno poppers. YUM!!

Josh keeping an eye on supper.

Levi was very popular among the younger set.



Then there was my sister-in-law's baby shower.



The little sweater my mom crocheted.

Do not separate a girl from her punch for
something so silly as a picture!

Offered as proof that I was also there.

And Annika's 6th birthday.

Sleepy birthday girl.



My Kazakh princess holding up the Kazakh flags she received.

Texas trip to be continued...

The New Kids

You know how it is, the new kids are always so popular.  These two are no exception.

The girls race outside in the mornings to play with them.

Eliana rocks them, kisses them, and sings to them.

Freeland, our son who loves animals, is always there to be sure that the girls are being careful and gentle.

And, of course, he enjoys some snuggle time too.

Generally speaking the mother goat makes sure that Toliver keeps his distance!

All in all, I think the new kids feel well accepted, what do you think?

By the way, we have one billy and one nanny.  Name suggestions anyone?  Their mother's name is Marabelle, if that helps at all!

Five Beautiful Years

Dear Annika,

Five years ago today we met you for the first time.  We were nervous and excited.  We hoped that we would know when we met our child, that the difficulty of choosing would be made easy by the certainty of knowing.  It is very hard to describe what it is like to meet precious children with the question in your mind, "Is this one ours?"  Each child we met was precious, beautiful, and adorable.  Then your nanny brought you into the room. 

You were so tiny.  And so beautiful.  You had huge brown eyes and wispy blond hair. I picked you up and you immediately turned your little head and buried it in my shoulder.  And we knew.  The choosing was suddenly easy.

And now here we are, wondering where the time has gone.  You are getting so big! Sweet girl, I know we have not always done everything right.  But I want you to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we love you, and that we are honored and humbled to be your parents. You have brought us untold joy, little girl! You have added giggles, drama, dancing, and love of pink that we merely dreamed of with only boys in the house!

I pray that as the years continue to flow by you do not lose your confidence, your ability to make friends, your adorable laugh, and your love of twirling.  I pray that Jesus reveals Himself to you more and more and that you do not lose your excitement about and expectation of His return.

Sweetheart, I do not know, and probably never will know, all of the reasons that you needed parents at the exact time that we needed a daughter, but this I know with certainty: God orchestrated the timing of our trip to Kazakhstan.  God whispered to our hearts "She is yours!"  God brought our mutual needs together and is making something beautiful with you as a perfect part of our family! 

After five beautiful years we still love you more every day!

All our love,
Daddy & Mommy

It Isn't Everyday...

These girls get to giggle together!

Sweet cousins.  Both 5.  One lives in Pennsylvania.  One lives in Texas.
But when they get a chance...

They wisely take full advantage of it!

Thank you for spending the day with us Cassie!  We hope to see you again soon when we visit Texas!