Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

Philly Zoo

We didn't have any plans for July 4th, so when Keith's younger brother asked if we would be interested in going to the zoo together we were all in!

This is my favorite photo from the day!  I love the pleased expression on Douglas' face.
We both ran to get this picture, so I thought it turned out great!
Children and animals are moving targets and it is a full time job to keep track of five children, but here are some of the fun photos I snapped.

The zoo crew!  Our five plus a cousin.

Our cute little nephew!

Our cute little daughter:)

Gorilla love!

the long road

The Sweetest Gift...

Is one that is given with love and delight in an unexpected moment of an ordinary day.

the long road

Family Skate Night

There is an outdoor skating rink at a park near Keith's office.  We decided to take advantage of it yesterday and everyone had a blast!

We had a beginner...

An intermediate level...

And some serious skaters...

And then there was the pre-beginner who kept her crocs on and enjoyed being chased by Daddy!


Since I'm sure you are all wondering, I am aware that I skipped the "my husband is the most wonderful daddy in the world" post on Father's Day.  That is because my husband is not only the most wonderful daddy, but is also the most gracious husband in the world.  We finally completed his gift today and he never even complained that it was 2+ weeks late!

So here is to Daddy!

This is the third year he has gotten the same gift for Fathers Day. We frame them and hang them in his office.  It has become a super sweet tradition we all look forward to!  This year was extra special because Eliana is included.  Up to this point they were all on the last picture, but now it holds out perfectly!

And one more photo to clinch the deal.  He really is the best daddy in the world!

Sunday Snapshot { On Monday }

Annika. Our first daughter.  Born in Uralsk, Kazakstan, but every bit a Martin.

She and I headed out for a bit of a walk/ photoshoot about 7:30 yesterday evening.  She was full of good ideas for where to take pictures, like sitting among the corn or lounging on a large stump.  She even volunteered to go back out after she was ready for bed to take a few more, but since it was getting late, we decided that could wait for another day.

Ni Hao Yall

Favorite Photo Friday

When I needed a model to try to capture the light coming through the trees,  Eliana was glad to oblige.  She didn't mind being hauled out to the yard when she was ready for bed, not one little bit.  As a matter of fact I believe she rather enjoyed it!

It is amazing the amount of joy this little girl adds to our family!  She is so sweet and happy!  She finds such incredible pleasure in the small joys of life.  I think she has helped all of us to slow down and enjoy the moment.

I'm linking to Favorite Photo Friday over at The Long Road to China.

Brown-Eyed Boy...

The other evening I took Casper out to do a little practicing with my camera. 

We took a little walk through the woods...

Down the lane...

And on to the road...

We held hands and talked about all kinds of things.  We laughed over the pictures that looked silly.  He is such a sweet boy!  I am already looking forward to the next time I can take my camera and one of my sweet babies on a little evening stroll!

Ni Hao Yall

I am linking to Sunday Snapshot over at Ni Hao Y'all.