Welcome 2018!

We have a tradition in the Martin family. Each New Year's Day we all meet at Grandma's house and spend the day together. Keith has 5 brothers, all are married, all have children. Some of his nieces and nephews are married and some of them have children. When everyone is there it is around 50 people. This year his only younger brother, Curtis, had sick children (four sick boys, y'all pray for them!) so his family wasn't there. But it was still a huge crowd for a not so huge house.

As you can imagine, the amount of food is mind boggling. It is a good way to start the year. Family, food, fun, and this year there was also singing. Most in the family like to sing. It is one of those things in conservative Mennonite settings. People learn to sing well in 4-part harmony. It is learned at school, at church, and often at home too. It is pretty amazing actually.

I know a lot of people are saying this, but 2017 was a hard year for me. My health has been bad. The pain levels have increased. I have almost constant nausea. It has just been rough. I feel broken and worn down. Chronic pain tends to wear you down on an emotional level. I still have all of the support I have had through my family, but I am struggling. I trust God, that He knows best. I know He could heal me or lead us to the right doctors and treatments. I want to be one of those amazing people who goes through years of pain and can praise God for the experience, but I am just not there. "Lord I believe, help Thou my unbelief." sums up my life right now.

Welcome 2018! I have chosen a word, or maybe 2,  for this year that I want to focus on. I am going to save that for another post. This one is long enough, so I'll share it with you tomorrow. Besides it deserves a post of its own.

I am taking up my 365 project, meaning 1 photo per day, goal again this year. You can follow those posts here.

December 26

It is December 26. Keith is back at work. Douglas ran to Walmart to pick up a couple of my prescriptions before running Freeland to work at Chick-Fil-A. Freeland has his work clothes in the washer and is cleaning up the kitchen while Casper, Annika, and Eliana are doing their morning chores, admittedly they are still in their pajamas, but it is Christmas vacation, after all.

My 5 favorite gifts! 

Yesterday was a sweet day. We had a {barely} white Christmas, which we were all hoping for. The gifts were exceptionally fun to give this year. We were very careful and intentional about getting the perfect gift for each child. Casper got a VR headset and was super impressed with it. I knew he would be. Freeland got a punching bag. He has wanted one for a long time. Annika got a huge stuffed fox, it has been her dearest heart's desire since she saw it several months ago. His name is Nick, and he is already part of the family. Eliana got a huge art set with lots of fun pieces. Of course there were other gifts, but those were the ones I was most excited to give. Douglas got sort of boringish gifts, but he is getting to be such an adult that it is just the way it goes I guess.

My favorite Chrismas morning picture. Seriously, LOOK AT HIM!!

I put together a video for my parents that you can see here if you are interested. This is my family. My oldest sister's family is not represented here, I need to get some pictures from her and I'l add them, but the rest of us are all represented here.

As the children get older I tend to pull them all a little closer. Our years of our whole family being home with no other obligations may be limited. When I think about that I have difficulty breathing.

Casper made each of us a pillowcase. He chose emoji fabric for Annika, she is quite pleased with it.

We opened gifts with oven mitts on Christmas Eve just for fun.

I'm thinking about blogging and how much this little blog has evolved through the years. It started as a place to document our adoption of Eliana from China. That was more than six years ago. It has documented our life since then, my photography journey, my thoughts and feelings as well as the everyday happenings. My work with Superkids is documented here, my trips to China and Taiwan are all here. My health crash is all outlined here, my diagnosis, my chronic pain. And hopefully the faithfulness of God is seen woven throughout the whole thing.

God has been stirring my heart. I have stories to tell. Stories of pain, stories of children I have met, stories of miracles I have seen. He has been laying on my heart the need to tell those stories. I don't know exactly where this will go, but I'm going to start here. It only seems right. So expect a few changes here over the next few weeks.

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas from the Martins!

Three Days...

Three days until Christmas. We keep it relatively simple. One gift per child, basically. But then there are the pajamas for Christmas Eve. And the new clothes for Christmas Day. And all of the little things for stockings. I apparently got fixated on all things lip balm this year. There are the holiday flavored chapsticks, and the Carmex, because everyone needs something that actually helps when your lips are chapped, and the Hurrah lip balm because flavors like Earl Grey and Chai Spice are not to be ignored. If nothing else we will not have chapped lips this winter.

The children get out of school at noon. They are all having Christmas parties today and were laden with gifts, Cheetos, Doritos, and sweet tea. Of course sweet Eliana was trying to get all of her loot out the door and left it open long enough for the dog to slip out. Chaos ensued as gifts, Doritos, and sweet tea were dropped and everyone ran in hot pursuit after the dog. Don't worry, he was only interested in running straight to Freeland anyway. We got him safely back in the house and I shooed the tribe back down the lane, Cheetos, doritos, sweet tea and all. Then I got to thinking about how I yelled at Eliana to SHUT THE DOOR and about how much I wanted them to have a special, joy-filled day. So I threw on my robe and shoes and drove down the lane. They looked at me like I had two heads, but I motioned for them to jump in and I gave them all hugs and told them I loved them. Then the bus came and off they went.

I love Christmas. I love reflecting on how Jesus' birth and life changed the world. I love that so many people celebrate that. I also just love the family traditions that surround holidays. The things that bind families together. Many of the things we do as a family come from traditions our parents and grandparents started. The children get a new set of clothes on Christmas Day because that is what Nan-Naw and J did for my siblings and I when I was young.

The older I get the more these things mean to me. I want to keep it simple and I want Jesus to be our focus, but that applies to all of life. Christmas is also about family. I love that part!

Favorite Things

Note: The post is not entirely about Benjy, but there are just so many cute pictures and so little space to share them... I'm sure you understand!

Here we are. December, that most wonderful time of the year. Excitement is running high in the Martin household! We are trying something different this year with gift giving. Each child is making homemade gifts for the rest of the family. Annika and Casper are using their budding sewing skills and Eliana is measuring and pouring ingredients to make a special gift for each one. I really love the amount of thought, time, and effort that goes into these gifts. Helping Annika and Casper choose the perfect fabric for each family member was just precious.

I'm also keeping the sewing machine busy while the children are away at school. It is my goal to make something for each of the children this year. Skirts for the girls and fleece jackets for the boys. I've made a good start, but have quite a ways to go!

The post title is Favorite Things for a reason. I not only love the hustle and bustle of getting ready for Christmas, but have had a few extra special things happen this month. My birthday was last week and my sweet, sweet family in Texas schemed to surprise me with a box of gifts. I opened the box to find gifts and cards from all of them! My parents, nieces, nephews, sisters, sisters-in-law, brothers... you get the idea. It was so fun! I may have sobbed into the handmade dishcloths for a few minutes, but they were happy tears!

Just look at that little moose booty!

Then on Thursday night we went to the children's Christmas play at school. Casper had a main part in the play, Freeland played in the bucket band, and the girls sang their sweet little hearts out. I love watching these productions!

The bucket band

To top it all off some of my "soul sisters" visited on Saturday and Sunday. The conversation was so refreshing and soul nourishing! They are the laugh-until-you-can't-breathe then share-the-things-closest-to-your-heart type of friends. The kind that you don't meet often in a lifetime. I am so thankful to have them in my life!

Annika made this little hat for Benjy and he seemed to really like it!

And... we can't leave out little Benjy, Benjamin, Baby BB... He is Keely's little 6 month old chunky little hunk of perfection. That boy! He had us all wrapped around his chubby little finger. He especially loved Annika and she has not yet stopped talking about that very important fact.

Mashed potatoes were a big hit!
December is not even half over and we have already had a wonderful one! And there is more come...

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

I can't let the day pass without a statement of gratitude. Everywhere I turn there are things that I am thankful for. It seems only fitting to pause today, before the festivities of the day begin, to acknowledge these things.

Today my heart is filled with gratitude when I think of...

The way God has worked and moved in my life over the past year. Even after 41 years he has not given up on working in my heart, softening and refining. His grace has been there and carried me continually.

Keith. I don't know that I need to say more. For 21 years now he has been at the top of my list of things I am thankful for. He just keeps on loving me, encouraging me, and listening to the many things I can't find words for.

My children. I have been a mom for 18 years. I loved those early years, the baby years, the toddler years of of exploration and explosion of learning. I loved watching them venture off to school, bright-eyed and eager. By oh my! How I love the tween and teenage years! I love the conversations and the plans. I love seeing them making their own decisions (some good, some not so great) and I love the relationships that I have with each of them. I love the way they are each so different. I love everything about this little tribe of mine and I am grateful beyond words to be their mom.

My parents and brothers and sisters. The older I get the more I cherish these relationships. Life is hard and feels lonely at times. They are always there.

I am also thankful for my J. He is my only remaining grandparent, and what a wonderful grandparent he is and has always been! And I'm thankful that I still miss my Nan-Naw every day. Love like that doesn't happen often.

I can't leave out my work with Superkids and the people I have met through that work. I think if you read this post you will understand. The work has changed as rules change, but the need has not changed.

And, because it is a big part of my life, I am thankful for my camera and the doors it has opened for me. I am thankful for the way I have learned to slow down and see the beautiful, tiny miracles that surround us all everyday through it's lens.

I could continue, but this post is getting too long. To all of my family and friends, I am thankful that each of you are part of my life.

And Just Like That...

And just like that... the last Sams girl has changed her name.

It was a wedding any girl would dream of. From the beautiful, delicious rehearsal dinner...


To the lovely brunch the morning of the wedding, where we talked about the precious memories we share. I am 16 years older than Hannah and she was only 6 when I got married, so our memories are a bit different from the memories of many siblings. We didn't grow up together, but we have shared so many special times. Hannah shared the memory of me putting her to bed the night before my wedding and how I cried telling her goodbye. Naturally I cried over the brunch when she said that.

To the wedding itself, which was just gorgeous and the perfect combination of serious admonition followed by joyous celebration.

Such a lovely bride!

A cupcake bouquet in the bridal room.

Opening a special gift from a nice who couldn't be there.
And I cannot post without recognizing that my Nan-Naw would have loved the wedding so much. Yesterday was the one year anniversary of her passing. She lives on in a different way in each of us. And her passing is still keenly felt by all of us.