Showing posts with label Eliana. Show all posts

And So I Bought Her A Helmet

I took the children ice skating again today.  This time Eliana got in on the action.  My plan was to get her skates and then "help" her by pushing the little kiddie helper thing for her thus giving myself something to hang on to and giving her a little ride at the same time.

It didn't work.  While I slipped and stumbled around the edges she insisted on skating by herself!  She pushed her little red thing all over the rink.

Then she got daring and insisted on trying to skate without it!  She fell and she crawled and she kept right on trying!  While I stumbled and rested and stumbled some more and watched her in terror lest she fall and hit her little head on the ice.

She skated for a solid two hours and loved every minute of it.

And then we went to Wal-mart and bought her a helmet. Because keeping her off the ice does not seem like an option anymore.

You Look Like Noodles and Chicken!

I have a little game I like to play with Eliana.  She sits on my lap and I look at her very slowly and carefully and then exclaim, "You look as sweet as... chocolate cake (or a hot fudge sundae, or pecan pie, or ________.) and I'm going to eat you all up!"

And then I pretend to nibble on her sweet (pun most certainly intended) little neck.  She squeals and giggles.  And then we do it all over again.  She never tires of this game.  When I ask her, "Do you want me to eat you all up?"  Her inevitable response is a resounding "Yes!"

Now bear with me for a bit as I take you down a different track, I promise it will all tie together in the end. 

Eliana has been going through a more needy, clingy spell again recently.  I assume it has something to do with reaching the one year anniversary of meeting her and the memories that come along with that.  And she has been craving noodles.  She makes sweet little comments like, "I so sad.  I want noodles."

Today I took her to a wonderful little Chinese restaurant in Myerstown.  We met Keith there for lunch.  We ordered her noodles. And chicken.  Her two favorite things.  She ate and ate and ate then was totally delighted when we had some Chicken Lo Mein left to bring home with us for her supper.

On the way home we stopped at the grocery store.  She was sitting in the cart when I noticed she was looking at me slowly and carefully.  I should not have been surprised to hear the words, "You look like noodles and chicken and my gonna eat you all gone!"

One Year

Dear Eliana,

One year ago today you left the only home you had ever known.  You were driven to an unfamiliar building and escorted into an unfamiliar room, but you walked bravely into that room and smiled at people you had only seen in pictures.  You held your little arms up and said, "Mama" as I scooped you up.  You did not know it at the time, but in that moment you walked straight into your new Daddy and Mommy's hearts.

Just after meeting Eliana.
January 16, 2013
January 16, 2012

It has been a year of growth, physically and emotionally.  You have grown 9 inches taller and have gained almost ten pounds.  You have gone from being a tiny, frail, easily exhausted little thing to being strong and active.  You have gained confidence and physical stamina.  You have gone from walking unsteadily to running, jumping, skipping, turning somersaults, and dancing and swirling through your days.

When you first came home you were terrified by many things.  You screamed and ran in fear when your cousin walked in the door holding a doll.  You panicked when we tried to even walk into your bedroom, clutching at the door and screaming.  You clung to me like Velcro and would not even let Daddy hold you.

But you have faced your fears and moved beyond them.  You now love your dolls and care for them tenderly.  You go to sleep easily in your own bed with a happy, "Good-night".  You have become quite a Daddy's girl.  You are outgoing and friendly.  You have learned what it means to be loved and to love.

And oh, little girl, how I love you! I am so thankful that God graciously allows me to be your Mommy.  I think of your birth mother today.  I do not know why I am given the privilege of being your Mommy or why she could not.  But I thank her from the bottom of my heart for giving you life and placing you at a safe place where you would get the help you needed.  And I thank God for bring you to our family!

I love you, baby!  I'm looking forward to the year ahead as we move forward and keep learning and growing together!

All my love,


Snowflakes That Stay on my Nose & Eyelashes... { just pictures }

Just My Baby & Me

As we have continued taking each of the children for their special night out I was watching to see when Eliana would figure it out.  The other morning she climbed into bed beside me for our early morning snuggle and the first thing she said was, "When my turn shopping?"  Then, "Xing Yao will boo hoo wa wa!"  (I suppose she meant she would cry if she didn't get a turn and yes, she still uses her Chinese name sometimes:)

All ready to go!
But Xing Yao does not need to "boo hoo wa wa!" because tonight is her night.  She and I are headed out for supper and shopping.  I asked her where she wants to go for supper and she replied, "Yogurt!" so that didn't help a whole lot!  She is so excited.  And so am I.

Last year at this time we were waiting for the final approval so that we could leave for China.  We were so excited and anxious about meeting our sweet girl.  Here is a post I wrote a year ago today. And now here we are.  A year later.  Going shopping, getting ready for Christmas, getting ready for guests, and woven into and around the ordinary is the wonder of it all.  Our sweet girl is home, she is ours.  She has become an integral part of our everyday life.

So tonight we are off to enjoy yet another ordinary miracle.  Just my baby and me.

Stir, Roll, Pat, Cut...

This morning as soon as Annika finished her school work we started on a fun little project.

Eliana needed to get in on the action too, of course.

We stirred and kneaded.

We rolled and cut.

We got pretty involved and got a bit of flour on our faces.

And now we have lots of Cinnamon Salt Dough "cookies" drying in the oven.  They smell wonderful and we can't wait to hang them in our windows to look pretty and smell good!

Eliana's First Dentist Appointment

I've put it off as long as I could.  I knew I had to take Miss Eliana to the dentist.  Her teeth are in pretty bad shape, but she has not acted as if they bothered her. 

I knew it might not go very well, but figured I would hope for the best.  The good news is that she didn't cry.  She smiled and charmed the hygienist who, by the way, is looking into adoption!  She had lots of questions.

The bad news is that every time they tried to get close to her mouth, her response was "I no wanna!"  They managed to count her teeth.  No cleaning.  She allowed the dentist to put a mirror in there to look at them.  This last part was thanks to Annika who was sitting in the chair in the corner.  Annika would tell her to open her mouth and say, "Ahhh."  So Eliana would do it for a little bit, and the dentist would quickly stick his mirror in her mouth while it was open! 

The dentist was able to see enough to say that she will likely need a couple of teeth removed and therefore he thought it was best to refer us to a pediatric dental surgeon. 

He said they will have better luck with her when she's under anesthesia!

{ Not Quite } Wordless Wednesday

When Nancy over at Ordinary Miracles & the Crazy 9 said she was going to offer 1-on-1 mentorship for people like me who are trying to figure out all of the settings on a DSLR camera I couldn't sign up fast enough!

So, the last couple of weeks I have been snapping away as I have the opportunity and having a lot of fun doing it! 

I think this picture of Eliana is one of my favorites ever!

They Are Just My Babies...

As the normal morning activities of a homeschooling family with five children swirl around me I sit down to write.

I hear one son singing as he does his morning jobs. "I've been tickled by a feather, I've been tickled by a wasp, I've been tickled by a yellow bumble bee..."  It makes my heart smile to hear him. 

Another son wonders about the time, worried that he is not going to complete his jobs by the time I told him to try to finish. 

The girls are splashing in the tub.  They don't normally bathe in the morning, but this morning they are so excited about getting their hair washed with their new watermelon scented shampoo that we make an exception.

So what is on my mind that I sit at my computer at this time in the morning?  What kept me awake as I thought and prayed about it last night?

I have started this post several times.  I have always stopped and deleted it before it was finished.  I don't want to be misunderstood.  There is a lot of talk in the adoption world about the mission or calling of adoption.  And I understand that. I truly feel that God called us to adopt our girls. The needs of orphans around the world are very real and the statistics are staggering.  As Christians these needs should move us to compassion and mercy! God even commands us to take special care of orphans and widows.

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James1:27 

But... I want my girls to know that it is so much more than that!  We need them in our family.  I need them as much as they need me.  They are not a mission project.  They are my babies. 

When God moves your heart with compassion and calls you to adopt one of His needy little ones He gives you everything you need to complete the calling.  He gives you the love and the longing.  He replaces your natural desires with His desire for you!  He creates a hole in your family that only that child can fill.  

That is the beauty of adoption.  Mutual need, of a family who needs a child and a child who needs a family, being brought together.  It is a match made in heaven.  Quite literally.

My Girls...

My girls . . . 

when they are not being giggly, wiggly, silly girls.

They are so precious. 

So beautiful.

I cannot thank God enough for entrusting these precious girls to our care!  I pray I can be the mother they need.  To help them to know that they are truly treasured and loved.

The other morning I pulled them both close and whispered in their ears, "You are my little dreams come true."  It is so true!  Thank you, God, for my girls!  Thank you that, in them, my dreams came true!

Wordless Wednesday

Who needs words?

Six Months

Today I pause in the middle of another busy, ordinary day.  I marvel at how normal it all seems, this life of being a mother to five.  I marvel at how, even though it is pretty wobbly around the edges, we have a routine and life is mostly predictable most days.

Our first glimpse of Eliana.
Six months ago today I walked through the doors of this house for the first time with Eliana in my arms.  I knew we were entering a new normal and that it would not all be easy, and I was right.  It hasn't all been easy.  But it has been good.

I wish I could tell you how far our girl has come in this six months, but so much of her progress is hard to verbalize.  She has gone from seeming like a baby to seeming like a little girl.  She has become so much more confident and secure.  Her language and ability to express herself increases daily.  Her physical development has been phenomenal.  She now runs, jumps, rides a bike with training wheels, and does all the stuff a child should do.  She loves to eat.  Oh my, how this girl loves to eat!  She gives and receives love very freely.

Eliana today.
I know that having her in our family is a miracle.  Sometime I want to tell you how much being her mother has changed me, but today I just want to thank God again for placing her in our family. We are humbled and honored to be her parents!

the long road

Another Milestone

Last night Keith and I went out for supper.  We left the children with Keith's brother and his wife.  This was the first time we left Eliana with anyone.  We were a little worried about how she would handle it.  We explained it to her and assured her we wouldn't be gone for long.

When we arrived at Keith's brother's she ran right in and started playing.  There were no tears when we left.  And she did great the whole time!  She asked where we were a few times but was satisfied when they reminded her that we would be back soon. 

They said she proudly informed them that she has a Daddy and Mommy, which is so sweet and humbling.

She came running and laughing, "Mommy!" when we got back.  We were so proud of her for being so brave!

Just 4 months ago this same little girl panicked when I got out of the van to drive another vehicle home even though Keith and the other children were still in the van with her.  We stopped part way home to trade places because she simply couldn't stop screaming! 

So, being fine for an evening without either of us there is amazing progress!  What an incredible journey it has been! I'm sure that we still have a ways to go, but just look how far we've come!

And Now She is Four

What is sweeter than a little girl and her Daddy?
Eliana came into our bedroom this morning singing Happy Birthday and counting to four.  Her big sister was really helping her understand how special this day is!

Her day started with a breakfast date with Daddy.  They went to...

McDonalds!!   Where she thoroughly enjoyed herself.

As you can see!

P.S.  The glasses come from a kid's meal at Arby's.  Keith took the children there then to the park last evening while I was on the webinar.  I think they were actually Casper's but Eliana claimed them.

Last Year on July 19...

Last year on July 19 I had a very hard day.  The next day my baby girl was turning three.  Another birthday in an orphanage without a family.  I remember so well how my heart hurt at the thought!

This is what I wrote then:

Its the first birthday that little ones really get. With all of our children its always this huge deal. We count the days on the calendar. We make a paper count down chain. Its like a month long celebration and finally the day arrives and they are just sure they are actually bigger and stronger and faster because they are now three.

But what about when your baby is on the other side of the world in an orphanage? She doesn't know her birthday is coming. No one is counting the days with her. She can't tear a link off the chain every evening. She won't even know to feel bigger and stronger and faster. She won't know that now she is three.

What a difference a year makes!  We have already had two birthday parties.  I don't think she actually understands, but she does love the Happy Birthday song! 

Tomorrow we plan to go to New York City.  We will go to visit the people at Gladney who helped us bring her home.  In the evening we will meet Pat Marcus for supper.  We will give Eliana gifts and sing to her. I do not know if she will feel bigger and stronger, I don't know if she will understand that she is a year older.  But I do know that she will know that she is loved.

Favorite Photo Friday

Little Miss Eliana one evening after her bath...

I told her I wanted to take a picture of her flipping off of the sofa.  So...  she calmly hung there, crossed her little arms and didn't flip...

She thought herself incredibly hilarious...

She was joined by her big sister...

And she finally flipped!

the long road

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli